Septentrio Driver


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  3. Septentrio Driver License Test

Driver that can be used to interface the older models Septentrio GPS receivers or OEM boards via the SBF (Septentrio Binary Format) binary protocol. For example the models PolaRx2e - PolaRx2eH- PolaRx2@. Note that for the newer models another driver should be used.

Septentrio receivers can also be configured as an NTRIP Server. In this case, the receiver would work as a Base station passing corrections to an NTRIP Caster. Note that the NTRIP version is only relevant when the NTRIP has been configured as a Server (in Client mode the receiver automatically detects the version protocol of the NTRIP Caster). Manufacturers Digi-Key is an authorized distributor of electronic components for more than 1,200 industry-leading suppliers. This means Digi-Key customers can rest assured that the product they order is authentic and comes to Digi-Key directly from the manufacturer. This repository hosts a ROS Melodic and Noetic driver (i.e. For Linux only) - written in C - that works with mosaic - one of Septentrio's cutting-edge GNSS receiver families - and beyond. Since Noetic will only be supported until 2025, we plan to make ROSaic compatible with ROS2.

The driver can interface through the network (TCP/IP), the serial port, or USB. The Septentrio board acts as a data server. The driver connects to this server, and requests which packets it would like to receive. See below the message that is used.

This driver supports beside position also heading and pitch/roll but obviously only if the GPS receiver supports it and uses multiple antennas.

If the devices have a Ethernet (network) port this can be used as well, the default port used is 28784.

Driver Information

DriverSeptentrio PolaRx2e - PolaRx2eH - PolaRx2e@Interface TypeTCP/IP
Driver Class TypeCounted
UTC Driver YesInput / OutputInput ExecutableDrvQpsCountedTcp.exe SEPTENTRIO_SBF_POLARX ACTIVE PPS
Related Systems
  • Network - Septentrio PolaRx2e - PolaRx2eH - 03Pitch Roll Heave Sensor
  • Network - Septentrio PolaRx2e - PolaRx2eH - 05Gyro Compass
  • Network - Septentrio PolaRx2e - PolaRx2eH - 12Position Navigation System
  • Septentrio PolaRx2e - PolaRx2eH - 03Pitch Roll Heave Sensor
  • Septentrio PolaRx2e - PolaRx2eH - 05Gyro Compass
  • Septentrio PolaRx2e - PolaRx2eH - 12Position Navigation System
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Interfacing Notes

The Cable wiring diagrams can be found in the User Manual - Appendix H (PolaRx2).

A two way serial cable should be used.

Database Setup

The update rate in the database setup is used to tell the device at what speed it needs to operate.
Allowed interval values are:

  • 0.100 sec (10 Hz)
  • 0.200 sec (5 Hz)
  • 0.500 sec (2 Hz)
  • 1.000 sec (1 Hz)

Other valid interval values are whole seconds between 2 and 60 seconds.

Septentrio Driver Ed

For more specifications see the 'SetPVTinterval' command in the user manual.

Drivers IO Notes

Command line parameter description for '' file.


The driver configures the device to output certain SBF blocks which it needs, to decode the position, attitude and heading.


The driver will know that it has to boot in 'Septentrio' mode.


Time from message is decoded.

Additional Information

As this is an active driver, it sends commands to the device:

'SetSBFOutput curr off'
This will tell the device to 'be quiet' for the moment.

'SetPTInterval 0.100'
This will set the update rate mentioned above.

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'SetSBFOutput curr 0x43129a00'
This tells the device what blocks it needs to output for decoding